Showing posts with label Red Lips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Lips. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 January 2016

How To Have The Perfect Red Pout

The Perfect Red Pout

The perfect lip to wear if you want to add a pop of colour to your face or stand out in the crowd, will have to be the all time classic red lip . You might want it matte or creamy or glossy according to your choice but to look good on a special day without a lot of effort red lips with winged liner is a look you can go for.
To get that gorgeous red pout like all time classic divas is not very difficult all you have to do is to follow certain steps and you will be ready with your hot red pout in a jiffy :) 

Step 1- Choose the shade of red you want to wear.
                You might want to match your red with your dress or some accessory. But if you want to have the perfect red according to your skin check the colour of veins on your body.
It can appear either

  • Blue- That means your skin colour is cool toned so go for reds which are blue based like true reds or pink based reds .They are the perfect for you.
  • Green- That means your skin colour is warm toned so go for reds which are warm toned like orange based reds or reds with a lil yellow undertone to them.
  • Purple- You are the luckiest of all since you are neutral tones so you can endorse in any reds all will be perfect with your skin tone :)
Personally I don't like following rules when it comes to makeup so i endorse in whatever shade I like because i believe even with the weirdest colour if you can make your makeup turn out lovely then you are a true Makeup Artist(which am not but if I ever get the chance I surely do aspire to be).

Step 2Prime your lips or moisturize it by applying a lip balm

          You have to remember that if you are wearing a bold red pout it draws attention to your lips. So the most important is to see that it does not appear dry and flaky with dead skin coming off. Then it truly will have the adverse effect making you stand out because of dry untidy lips rather than a beautiful pout.

I love lip balms from Bodyshop,Nivea,Dr.Lipp Nipple Balm.
Here I will be using the lip balm from nivea in my most favourite flavour Strawberry 

Apply a thick coat of Lip Balm and leave it for 2-3 minutes 

Step 3- After the lips are moisturized now it is turn to scrub the lips

After 2-3 minutes of applying the balm take a baby toothbrush or a normal one with very soft bristles and very gently scrub the lips. Mind you the skin o the lips are extremely soft and sensitive compared to the rest of your body so the bristles should be very soft and the pressure should be feather light else lips get cut really easily and can bleed.

 Step 4- Apply a lip base lighter than your lip colour

For the base I like to use a matte long wear lip liner which maybe white or creamish close to white to omit any sort of pigmentation from the lips. Tke any light colour lipliner and line the lips the completely fill then in

Step 5For making the lipcolour stay longer without fading over the base go with a red lipliner

After completing the base take any red lipliner of your choice and line the lips and fill them in. Peoplw who like wearing lipliners as a lone lip colour can leave it till here or to get that perfect pout carry out the following instructions.
(forgive the haziness of this picture. I guess my hand shook while taking it )

Step 6Now fill the lips using a lip brush(recommended for precision) with your favourite Red Lipstick

Take the lipstick you want to wear and completely fill your lips with the lip colour. You can use a brush or the bullte though a lip brush gives a more airbrushed and precise and uniform finish compared to just applying it directly from the bullet.

Step 7- Take a blotting paper and blot the excess lipstick

 Grab a piece of blotting paper and blot the excess lipstick from the lips.

// People who want gloss red lips can apply gloss over the lip after blotting and go to Step 8 directly //

Step 8- Take some translucent powder or any loose powder if you want to mattify the lip

If you want a red matte pout after blotting take some loose powder and with a finger slightly dab it into your lips or Take a powder brush and swipe a very light layer of powder over your lips

 Step 9- Conceal around the lips for  better and more defined looking lips

Whether you are going matte or glossy or cream finish after the lip is completed the most important but very rarely done step is to clean up around the lips. For this, take a concealer and go around the outline of your lips to clean up any spillage and for giving your lips a more defined and professional finish.

Step 10- Rock your Red pout and just have fun

If you are liking my work or if you want some other tutorial please comment below :)